Fat Dissolving Injections

Freyja Medical
4 min readAug 7, 2019


By Dr Keli Thorsteinsson, MD

Specialist Doctor in Dermatology and Aesthetics

Freyja Medical, Wrexham

What Are Fat Dissolving Injections?

Fat-dissolving injections are a safe and effective alternative to liposuction with none of the associated downtime and a much friendlier price-tag!

The treatment involves a few injections into areas of stubborn fat. We use AqualyxⓇ, which contains a naturally-occurring bile acid called oxycholic acid. Usually, our bodies naturally use this bile acid to digest the fat you eat. So the technique is in effect utilizing the body’s own way of dissolving fat by injection.

Once the formula has broken down the fat cells, they are eliminated through urine over a three-week period. You essentially pee out your fat!

Who is AqualyxⓇ for?

AqualyxⓇ is intended for patients with pockets of localised fat not responding to diet or increased physical exercise. AqualyxⓇ is not intended for weight loss but rather to improve and alter the contour of the body by removing stubborn areas of fat.

Commonly treated areas include double chin, jowls, upper arms, waist, abdomen, saddlebags, buttocks and thighs.

How is the treatment delivered?

The doctor will take a thorough medical history and examine you to make sure that you are a suitable candidate and that there are no contraindications to treatment. You should be fully informed about the benefits and all common and important after-effects. Best practice is to then give you a few days or weeks to consider the treatment before it is carried out.

The treatment itself is relatively simple. It is delivered through 1–2 injection points per treatment area, using a long thin and bendy needle to access the subcutaneous fat.

Is the treatment painful?

The procedure is generally not uncomfortable and most patients report discomfort levels of 1–3 on a scale of 1–10 (10 being severe). The solution is mixed with a local anaesthetic to keep any discomfort to an absolute minimum while we are dissolving away the stubborn areas of fat.

Does AqualyxⓇ work?

Yes it does! While results can’t be compared to surgical liposuction, where large amounts of fat are permanently removed from the body, the results of AqualyxⓇ are still permanent. The treatment takes time to reach its full effect but patients that have undergone follow-up examinations seven years after therapy still show a reduction in fat tissue in the treated areas.

An added benefit is that the skin tightens naturally during the healing process and it is not normally necessary to treat lax skin separately. If required, this can be done later with energy-based devices (ultrasound or radiofrequency) or a thread-lift after treatment of double chin or jowling.

As with all medical therapies, there is no guarantee of fully successful treatment. Some patients get good results from a single treatment, but many require 2–3 treatments. Rarely, up to 8 sessions are required for difficult areas. The recommended interval between repeat treatments is 4–6 weeks.

Is it safe?

AqualyxⓇ is only sold and delivered by medical professionals in the UK. No major untreatable side effects have occurred in over 2 million treatments worldwide so far. Not one single incidence of overdose or toxic effects has been recorded.

AqualyxⓇ contains the same active ingredient (deoxycholic acid) as Kybella, which is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. This gives patients the highest available safety assurances. Kybella is yet to be marketed in the UK and this is why we have chosen AqualyxⓇ, which has an outstanding safety profile.

In fact, AqualyxⓇ has an important potential advantage of Kybella in that the active ingredient (deoxycholic acid) is released gradually over 2–3 weeks after the injection. This helps to improve safety and minimise side effects.

What happens after treatment?

You will have swelling and redness in the area where we dissolve the fat for a few weeks. This starts to settle after a few days and is normally gone in 3–4 weeks. You may have some discomfort but this is not usually severe. A little bruising is expected. About 1 in 5 patients get a numb sensation in the treated area, which settles after a few weeks or months in all cases.

You should not exercise for 5 days and some patients find mild compression clothing (e.g. Spandex) helps for non-facial treatment areas. A low-calorie diet can help to increase the effectiveness of AqualyxⓇ. Long-term benefit is possible with a healthy lifestyle. The doctor will see you again after 4–6 weeks for review and to consider further treatment.

Is there anything else I need to know?

We are aware of rogue non-medical practitioners, who advertise ‘fat dissolving injections’ and even ‘AqualyxⓇ’, often at suspiciously low prices. Do your research carefully before committing to treatment. Make sure that the advertised injections are genuine reputable medical products, carried out by a medical doctor or prescribing nurse, preferably in a clinic setting. The very best clinics are registered with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) in Wales or the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England.

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Freyja Medical
Freyja Medical

Written by Freyja Medical

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